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Why Coaching?

Coaching offers a transformative journey for individuals seeking growth and development in both their professional and personal lives.


Unlike more traditional advisory roles such as mentoring, coaches facilitate self-discovery and empowerment by asking insightful questions rather than prescribing solutions, encouraging clients take ownership of their journey towards change.


Through tailored one-on-one or group sessions, clients collaborate with their coach to set goals, explore challenges, and devise actionable strategies. 


By fostering self-awareness, improving communication, and honing decision-making skills, coaching empowers individuals to unlock their full potential and achieve sustainable success in all aspects of their lives.


As a coach, I listen intently. I notice your words, your body language and your patterns. My job is to help you to understand yourself better by sensitively and skilfully reflecting these things back to you. We might use a range of creative techniques to help - the use of visuals, chair-work or visualisation can be powerful in unlocking a new ways of thinking. Through questioning, I support clients to gain insight, find agency, and ultimately to overcome your own problems. The power in coaching lies in a strongly held belief that you, the client, hold the answers and the power to make progress, see things more clearly, and ultimately, feel happier and more fulfilled. You can find out more about me and how I coach here.


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